A downloadable game for Windows

Box Dimension is a game about travelling through the spaces under and beyond our comprehension.  

While the game has just begun development, it goes until the end of the 4D,  further planning is still happening, the player will battle and going up dimension until escaping the box it's in


Music and SFX from opengameart.org (to specify soon)

All other assets have been developed using Krita and Unity3D

Known Issues:

  • Game Freezing after pressing Esc (game clock brakes completely)
  • Enemies willingly deciding to not approach the player, but to run away from him (causing the game to sometimes have fewer enemies)
  • Some enemies get hidden inside their 4D shadow (making them hard to understand)
  • Unpredictable behavior on high-end Pcs (sorry nasa bros)

Fixed Issues (coming soon after GMTK game jam):

  • Bug that makes the exit reachable
  • Boss randomly appears at the beginning of the wave
  • Music Volume (Sorry 'bout that)
  • Player jumping infinitely towards happiness     
  • Reloading time maintained trough different weapons


  • Improved enemy Ia
  • Bigger map
  • 5th Dimension (Easy to say...)
  • Improved Controller
  • Stable wall-jump
  • Lore
  • Graphics, maybe


Box-Dimension.rar 28 MB

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